Established in 1980
Recommissioned in 2020
Over 40 years ago, in the midst of a nationwide revival, God’s Spirit moved across this city through us and through other inner city missionaries who had heard his call. That was then but this is your time. This is your call.
What God said to us then is said to you now, “I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30) For over 4 decades, we went out into the highways and hedge, and malls, and campuses, and ghettos, and gangs, and learned that the love of Christ conquers all; and now you are called. Will you come?
We have prayed that he would send you “into his harvest.”
Abel & Dora
We create partnerships with Christian homes, churches, and young missionaries to turn the inner city upside down for Christ, one neighborhood zip code at a time.
We are older inner city missionaries who, in the last days of our lives, pray, work and believe God will use a new generation to reach the unreached, whom others have left behind.
- God sovereignly sends you!
- God has now called you!
- You must now go!

You Heard Him And...
No one is taking you seriously, but you know what God wants you to do. From his cross, from the mountain. from his throne above, listen to Him. Do what he says now. "Go!"